Volumetric Surveys
Volumetric surveys are used for multiple reasons, mostly in quarry’s & construction sites for accurate recording or stockpile volumes or cut/ fill analysis. We use a mixture of Trimble total stations, GNSS rovers & laser scanners depending on the safety of the task at hand, the information gathered is then input into terrain modeling software for processing to produce volumes.
Useful Volumetric Survey Information:
A volumetric survey is a form of topographic survey that aims to collect any information needed to produce an accurate volume for a stockpile or cut/fill amount.
Volumetric surveys are mainly instructed by quarry operators and construction companies for important information regarding volumes of materials. This enables accurate stock information for monthly or yearly figures.
Our volumetric surveys can provide important data and figures in a number of formats, usually we will supply a topographic survey in CAD format showing the locations of any materials measured alongside an excel spreadsheet with individual volumes and material types shown. We can also provide 3d models for volumetric uses and we can provide this in RCP. format.